
Privacy Policy

Information We Collect

At hbubli.cc, we employ limited data collection practices to ensure the security and optimal performance of our services. The information we gather includes the following:

We retain this access log data for a brief period of one day. Subsequently, the data is automatically purged, and a new log is generated. This information is exclusively utilized to safeguard our platform against potential security threats and misuse. (This does NOT include the private services.)

Search Queries (search.hbubli.cc and 4get.hbubli.cc Part)

We want to assure our users that we do not store or record any search queries conducted through the searxng and 4get parts of our site. The only exception is when a user has enabled the GET method in their settings, which may include the search query within the URL path. This query information might be stored temporarily within our access log, which is rotated and purged daily.

Information Sharing

We do not share your personal information, including the data collected as described above, with third parties unless required by applicable law.

Your Right to Data Removal

If you would like to have your data removed from our server, please contact us at contact@hbubli.cc with your request. We will process your request and remove your data from our records.